121-1959 152nd Street, Surrey, BC, V4A 9E3
Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Empowering Health & Enhancing Life

for adults and children
Call 911
For Life-Threatening Emergencies
Please download the new Patient form, fill it out, and send it to us via Email.
Thank you.
Flu Shot?
Call the Pharmacy to book your Flu Vaccine and Covid shot.
You can also visit the Dispensary website here www.medicineshoppe.ca
Improving The Quality Of Your Life Through Better Health.
The Clinic serves the residents of South Surrey White Rock and surrounding areas with an aim to promote community health & well-being and provide personalized services to maximize visitor experience.
Locally owned and operated, our patients can expect personalized healthcare service tailored to fit their (and their family’s) needs. Doctor Clinic provides a warm and inviting atmosphere, allowing our patients to relax while they wait.

COVID-19 Response
Effective May 01, 2023 – Doctor Clinic Family Practice will open to serve its patients. The clinic will be taking extra precautions in line with BC Ministry of Health social distancing guidelines to provide the safest environment possible for its patients and staff through the duration of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.